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    What do you study? That loomed large when the Browns, who took over with 31 seconds left before halftime, moved the ball down the field and Cundiff drilled a 51-yard field goal. Cundiff did an emphatic fist pump toward the Browns’ sideline, one final insult to the Ravens in an ugly first half. Cubs manager Dale Sveum pulled Soriano from Thursday’s original lineup after he got a call from president of baseball operations Theo Epstein. The seven-time All-Star finished on a high note with 10 home runs in his last 21 games. He has out-homered the Yankees this month, 8-7. From 1992 to 1994 Leyne was the BBC’s correspondent at the United Nations in New York. He was then posted to Europe and the Middle East before returning to the United States in 2001 as US State Department correspondent in Washington, DC. He was on his way to his office in the Pentagon when the building was attacked on 9/11. In Washington, Leyne covered the build-up to the Iraq war of 2003 and accompanied the US Secretary of State Colin Powell on many overseas trips. Zimmerman, a 29-year-old former neighborhood watch volunteer, was acquitted this month of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in the 2012 shooting of 17-year-old Martin in a gated community in Sanford, Fla.
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