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    I have my own business testosterone values Advice to Roger Goodell: Just eliminate the Pro Bowl. Choosing up sides for the game and constructing the teams regardless of conference affiliation is an attempt to camouflage the obvious: All-star games just don’t work in football. NFLPA president Domonique Foxworth came up with this concept and if it doesn’t work, the future of the Pro Bowl is in danger. The basic problem: Players are afraid of getting hurt in a meaningless game. It has turned into flag football and become a bad reflection on the league. The players enjoy the free trip to Hawaii and reaching the Pro Bowl incentives in their contract and the money they get for participating, but they would rather skip the game, which is what Goodell should do. The new concept should be fun during the draft process once the players are selected — there’s going to be some bruised egos — but the game will still stink.


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