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    A Second Class stamp Gladiator Russell Crowe may play tough sensitive guys on screen, but off screen he’s more like Bud White in L.A. Confidential. Charged with assault in 2005, Crowe was reportedly so annoyed that he couldn’t call Australia on his cell phone, he threw it at a hotel employee. Next time just get a better plan, bud.


    I sing in a choir rexavar benefits Sitting in the red banquette corner booth beside me, tucking into fresh mint tea, eggs, turkey bacon, broccoli and an onion bagel, the 74 year-old looks in fine fettle: 6ft 2in and trim, in a blue button-down shirt, navy sports jacket, chinos and highly polished brown brogues. His silver hair is neatly slicked back, his distinctively-lined cheeks covered in a fine layer of white stubble, and his pale blue eyes sparkle with roguish mischief. I can’t help but think that if he’s this charming and charismatic at 74, he must have been positively dangerous at 24.


    Another service? According to another source, Rodriguez’s meeting with MLB ended at about 4 p.m., and a clearly shaken Rodriguez then met with MLB Players Association reps for an hour and a half to discuss what had been outlined by MLB officials. When Rodriguez didn’t show up at the Yankee complex, GM Brian Cashman then tried to reach the three-time AL MVP, who told him that he “just couldn’t make it.”


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