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    I work for a publishers vigoraflo gnc ‘Deserving more’ is a popular concept with West Coast women. They deserve more from their bosses, husbands, boyfriends and friends; they deserve more from their utility companies, manicurists and Whole Foods delivery boys. At some point in their lives – or possibly constantly throughout – someone has given these girls the idea that they should be recompensed simply for existing: given a gold star, a resounding tick or a slap on the back daily. When you’ve been brought up on the premise that ‘you get back what you put in’, this is a hard one to get your head around. But Angeleno women would tell you that they slog away at life. And in many ways they do. Working out twice, sometimes three times a day – turning your body into a hard, sensuality-free zone – is agonising stuff. So is living off juice cleanses and guilt, colonics and hope. In return for all that penance they expect Jennifer Aniston’s body, a wealthy, subservient partner familiar with the doyennes of female ‘personal growth’ literature (when your whole modus operandi is based on Why Men Love Bitches, it can make things easier if he’s read it), a litter of easily spawned, aesthetically blessed children to take down to the Pumpkin Patch on Hallowe’en – and eternal life.
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