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    aquatruck spol. s r.o There was an international outcry over his death amid allegations of inhumane treatment. An investigation commissioned by Russia’s presidential human rights council found that he had been beaten and denied medical care. “What was hurtful was that the hateful comments that I read where people were judging me were people within my own community … It was comments like, ‘Way to give in to the Western standards of beauty.’ ‘You’re denying your heritage.’ ‘You’re trying to look less Asian.'” “I can’t say thank-you enough to the Diplomatic Security team,” Kerry said in a statement. “I’ve seen how hard they work not just in Washington but on my travels around the world, and they’ve become a part of my family. But the agency’s professionalism and concern for my wife — from the moment of this family emergency through today — is something I will remember for the rest of my life.”

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