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    I’ll put her on famotidine kaufen They’re eyeball-to-eyeball in the Senate, and this time it’s Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid with his finger over the nuclear button. The full Senate will convene for an unusual private meeting in the ceremonial Old Senate Chamber Monday evening to try to find a path through the latest standoff over delayed votes on presidential appointments. Barring an agreement, Reid, D-Nev., is threatening to detonate a change to Senate rules that would allow cabinet-level and other presidential appointees (though not judges) to be confirmed by a simple majority vote, not the current de facto threshold of 60 votes. Republicans are threatening to call Reid the worst Senate leader in history if he does it. They’re also vaguely warning that they might change more Senate rules if/when they retake control back of the upper chamber. If this all sounds familiar, that’s because it was Republicans on the precipice of doing what Reid is now talking about, back in the way-back days of 2005.


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