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    I’d like to send this parcel to babo botanicals ewg “You’ve got to give it everything, I think. It’s got to hurt. You’ve got to cry from pain. There are times doing this when I’ve been up night after night, not eaten for days. It brings me out in a cold sweat.” There’s no less nervous energy required whenever he takes a detour into the theatre, as he’s doing this autumn, joining a cast that includes Sheila Hancock to premiere Barking in Essex, a play by the late Clive Exton – a writer responsible for reams of Poirot and Jeeves and Wooster on television. The premise is simple enough: he’s playing Darnley, the most dork-ish member of a low-life family called the Packers who are in a state of panic at the release from prison of Darnley’s criminal brother Algie – whose ill-gotten millions have been frittered away in his absence. It’s very sweary and, on paper at least, very funny but even though it’s playing to his forte – comedy – and he gets to stay close in spirit to his adopted homeland of Essex (he grew up until the age of 11 on a council estate in Bristol), it’s blooming hard graft for him.

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