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    Have you got any qualifications? CLOSE GUANTANAMO NOW. PROSECUTE THESE GUYS IN THE OPEN AND QUIT LOWERING AMERICAN VALUES TO THE TERRORISTS LEVELS BY USING CLANDISTINE AND MILITARY INCARCERATION FACILITIES IN ORDER TO USE QUESTIONBLE INTEROGATION TECHNIQUES TO GET INFORMATION OUT OF THEM. THIS SEEMS MORE A GAME BY REPUBLICANS TO KEEP THE GUANTANAMO FACILITY OPEN. Abu Anas has been indicted in a New York federal court and that is where he should be tried. Very few of those charged with offenses and being tried by the military tribunals have been convicted in the decade since 9/11. Those terrorist processed through the justice system in federal court have seen over 90% conviction rate. What seems to be the problem with Republicans that they are so adverse to speedy and fair justice being render in these terrorist cases??? It is costing taxpayers millions and millions of dollars to continue to operate Guantanamo with a very poor return on our money. It is a fiscal anchor on the Pentagon budget and does considerable damage to American prestige through out the world. There is absolutely no credible intelligence coming from these detainees after a decade of incarceration and virtually no contact with the outside world. Republican legislators need to do a reality check on what America’s immediate priorities are all about. I am quite sure the majority of Americans, like me, would be more that satisfied to see these terrorist tried, convicted and put in prison for the rest of their lives or whatever just sentence is handed down by the court. Where is the justice in isolating these prisoners for decades without ever having their cases adjudicated and existing in perpetual limbo?


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