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    Where’s the postbox? dilution calculator Sickening. I can’t believe that people think this is a sign of progress when in the UK and US people can have an abortion up to 20 weeks. It makes me sick to my stomach that they can allow the life of a vulnerable infant be “lawfully” taken. It’s barbaric. I really hope we don’t model ourselves on this where the freedom of the individual trumps the life of the most vulnerable and helpless beings on the planet. I know there are tragic cases of rape, which are very tragic events, but the suicide excuse pisses me off. Pregnancy being terminated is not a medical solution to suicidality, just like you don’t treat depression by giving people all that they think they desire in life. It’s a mental health issue and no excuse to terminate, if anything it increases the potential for serious mental health issues. That’s been documented.


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    Cool site goodluck 🙂 These anti­leaks provisions went through the committee process in secret, and the bill was agreed to by a vote of 14-­1 (I’ll let you all guess who that nay vote was). The bill then made its way to the Senate floor and a public debate. Once the bill became public, of course, it was promptly eviscerated by media and free speech advocates, who saw it as a terrible idea. I put a hold on the bill so that it could not be quickly passed without the discussion it deserved and within weeks, all of the anti­leaks provisions were removed.


    I’d like a phonecard, please prost rx canada Reckless, like ‘obscene’, is one of those words which ultimately must refer back to a subjective definition, in this case of what constitutes proper care. Expecting to divine what proper care is in the banking industry ignores its history, which is littered with follies which seemed a good idea at the time, and which were good business for a little while, but which later fell apart. What exactly will make a banker reckless, rather than simply stupid, foolish or just idle and promoted above his or her abilities?

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