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    Who’s calling? “I pulled over and ran over and she was pantsless by this time, running after her dog,” he recalled to the News. “I asked her, ‘Where’s your garden hose?’ I thought it was her house at first.” To Peace’s credit, this grand-scale act of mimesis, obsessed with scorecard minutiae and shot with moments of orgasmic relief, often succeeds in communicating the passionate, remorseless drive of its subject. In the book’s final third, he also plays some clever variations on the theme, transfiguring pages of joyous work into chapters of endless drudgery after Shankly retires. Additionally, be realistic about your needs and wants. If you need a cellphone just for making an occasional phone call, don’t purchase the latest smartphone with an unlimited data package. “You don’t need to be paying for fancy phones with features or minutes you don’t use,” Green says.
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