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    What sort of music do you listen to? For Hugh Sisson, owner of Heavy Seas Beer in Halethorpe, the shutdown’s timing has postponed the implementation of a new $3 million piece of equipment that packages and labels the beer. The new machine requires a different size label, and all new labels must be approved by the federal bureau.


    I’d like to pay this cheque in, please What those customers realize is that baskets aren’t interchangeable commodities. Zoetis Pharmaceuticals, a recent spin-off from Pfizer, is the world’s largest maker of animal medicines and vaccines (including the popular canine arthritis drug Rimadyl). The company was facing a nagging, expensive problem. It has pumps that feed medicine into a machine that fills ampules, and the pumps kept locking up. The pumps are small–10 inches long–but expensive. When one breaks, repairs cost $4,000, and the only place to get the work done is from a company in Germany. The lead time is two months.


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