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    I’d like a phonecard, please The effort to reshape the international tax rules was a chance to avert “global tax chaos”, according to the OECD, which said a failure to act could result in governments taking unilateral action. Countries outside the OECD such as India and China will be invited to take part in the revamp of the rules on an equal footing, in what experts said might be the last opportunity for the OECD to exert sufficient influence on the international tax system to reach a global accord.
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    code http // Pfizer has invested more than $7 billion in Ireland since opening its first site in 1969 and in 2011 announced a $200 million investment in the Grange Castle site. The drugs giant employs 3,200 people at six sites in the country. Rumors had spread on Twitter and other social networks Saturday that Putin had married 30-year-old Alina Kabayeva in a secret ceremony at a secluded monastery in central Russia. Sky News reported that the rumor was spared by Alexei Navalny, an anti-Putin blogger and recent candidate for the mayoralty of Moscow, who tweeted, “I’m told that Putin and Kabayeva are marrying today at the Iver Monastery. All of Valdai sealed off.”
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