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    taking nexium after a meal Those of you acting as if he “considers her mother a whore” because he “ordered” a paternity test need to chill out a little. Men who have had brief affairs and had sex are not at the top of my list, but I will also say, it sounds as if he may have voluntarily done a paternity test, which protects everyone concerned, including the child. Those tests can be done after the child is born, and means the child is protected from finding out, as a child I knew did, at age 10 years, that the guy he thought was his bio father, was not. The man who raised what he thought was his only child, was devastated, but rose to the occasion during a divorce, and actually ended up with custody of the child. Because the test wasn’t done when the child was born, it is nearly impossible to find the bio father. When my grandson was born a few years ago, we asked that a paternity test be done because there was a question as to who fathered the child, and for the sake of the child, it was important to know the truth. Didn’t mean anyone thought anything negative about anyone involved. Pauly D is stepping up, and for all you know, didn’t even know the woman was pregnant until the baby was born. As for BC, nothing is 100%; I have 2 family members born to women using BC every time. One on the pill, and one on the shot AND condoms. It happens.


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