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    Could I borrow your phone, please? medasia medical products corporation quezon city The GOP in the House continues to act as if we’re all idiots…as if we can’t see what they’re trying to do by proposing various parts of the government get funded but not Obamacare.  These aren’t even high school level maneuvers.  It’s more like kindergarten.  What the GOP is missing in all this is that most people have already made up their minds about who’s to blame…and the polls & online trending show that most of the public holds the GOP accountable for what’s happened.  So what is the GOP actually accomplishing in continuing to offer piecemeal CRs?  They are succeeding in hardening everyone’s positions more and more, creating more anger.  In a day or two, the situation will be like locked concrete.  Then what?  The president & the senate are not giving in.  Again, this all falls on John Boehner.  Allow a vote on a clean CR & we’re back in business.  Democrats along with several Republicans will pass it.  Don’t allow the vote and we’re all stuck in concrete.  Any mental defective would know what to do…that is, unless in the GOP.
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