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    I really like swimming redpill-im.com NONPARTISAN73: You apparently have never heard the term “tyranny of the majority”. That is the reason for the Constitution, the court system and the Supreme Court. Just because a majority votes for something doesn’t make it right or Constitutional. Hell, you could have a vote and the majority votes for a law reinstating slavery. That still would not make it right and it would still be unconstitutional. We the people are granted rights by the constitution (and that means LGBT have the same rights as straight people, whether you think so or not or like it). Those rights cannot be abridged just because a majority vote for it. You want to know what was the purpose of even voting for Prop8 at all if the courts are simply going to overturn it? Ask the foolish legislators that came up with a stupid constitutional amendment such as this which tried to deny a certain group of Americans their constitutional rights. Thank god the court system is doing what is was designed to do, in this case protecting us from the tyranny of the majority.


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